Artist:Adaljiza Marta Machado Cuan, Brazil
Descendant of Italian Bergamo family .Born in Capela do Alto , Brazil , in 1963 , married , with Aldenir Cuan, 2 Children Cristiano and Ricardo Cuan Cuan
Resides in Boituva SP – Brazil Capital of Skydiving .Hon. Co founder of ABLA . President Being managed by 2 members.
Promoter of events Artist , supportive of new artists , cultural activist Started weith painting in 1987 .
Several exposures, both individual and collective. Artistic career in Brazil .
1. CRYSTAL BOOK TALENT launched at the Biennial International Book Fair in Sao Paulo , Casa da Fazenda do Morumbi, House of Roses and Rotary Boituva.
2. Crystal Letters and Arts launched in the Imperial and Casa das Rosas . Various other events
3. LIFE CYCLE launched in São Paulo , Rio de Janeiro and Brazil Boituva SP .
4. Crystal Emotions. Collection of poems recited with musical background 17 awards of Commander, Dame Commander 2, 5 Chancellor. 4 Cultural Delegate. Gran range. Gran
After having Problems with lungs, she dedicated herself to digital arts and promoting the arts and events.
Participated in several exhibitions organized by Jiselda Salbu -GIGI -2004 – 2011- inBrazil, Argentina,Chile, Punta del Leste .
Several exhibitions organized for Jiselda Salbu -GIGI -2004 a 2011- in Brazil,Argentina,Chile, Punta del Leste .
Several exhibitions organized for Artcom Expo International Association of Artists Norway 2013- :Gallery EcletIica -Spoletto- Gallery La Pigna.
Several exhibitions organized by Artcom Expo International Association of Artists Norway – 2014 : Embaixada do Brazil em Oslo, Semana Cultural Brazil na Noruega .
He has participated Illustrated Book Realismo Latino-organized for Artcom Expo International Association of Artists Norway 2013.
She has participated in the I Book Artists Across Continents 2014, organized by Artcom Expo International Association .
Memberships: Artcom Expo International Association of Artists Norway.