Ed Ribeiro, Brazil

Ed Ribeiro, Brazil

Artist:Ed Ribeiro, Brazil


By the filmmaker NEVILLE D’ALMEIDA

To speak of the artist ED RIBEIRO’s work, it is very important to create a direct relationship not only with Nature but with the
Forces of nature.
It is also talk of rare talent and a deep sensitivity, because when we talk about the art of the people, the things
that the people identifies, is really in the true sense of the word: the people are all of us, are the people who walk on the streets, who are in the bus queues, searching,
and interacting with the city.
ED RIBEIRO is one of these talents, a very rare case of artist who began painting at 52 years old.
This is very significant because it shows a deep and overall need of creation. A huge search for transformation and expression, as
if it were a calling, a higher power that seeks the artist and takes him away from his normal activities, to direct him forward to
the office of the Arts.
Paintings depicting the magical and mysterious world of Candomblé.
Very important for the Brazilian culture and the cultural formation of our country. Brazil, if not show all its cultural roots and
matrices will not be Brazil. ED RIBEIRO gives us a great contribution, as he understands in depth all the religious connection.
It is Art, with the sensitivity of our people.
And the appreciation of the Brazilian culture, through the numerous cultural manifestations, it is that we will increasingly have the
universal dimension of what is the Brazilian Art and what is the work of this artist, who besides viewing all things in an unique and
INNOVATIVE way of painting, because, surprisingly, he does not use brush, he does not use his fingers, he does not use his hand.
He does all his work just POURING THE PAINTS and moving the screen, creating images with detail and with the force of a grandiose
We are always thrilled when we contemplate the works of this great innovative plastic artist.
He has participated in numerous exhibitionsin Brazil and Europe.
Exhibitions organized by Artcom Expo International Association of Artists – 2014 : Embaixada do Brazil em  Oslo, Semana Cultural
Brazil 2014,Best Of the Salon.
Memberships: Artcom Expo International Association of Artists .
Credit Translator -Jose Emmanoel
Escritor do Livro “O GUARDIÃO DO TROVÃO”

Contact: Brasil
E-mail: edribeiro@edribeiro.com.br
Facebook: www.facebook.com/artistaedribeiro

Author: artcomexpo

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