Marly Maria Maiochi Fernandes, Brazil
Artist:Marly Maria Maiochi Fernandes, Brazil
Natural of Perimbó (Bom Retiro SC Brazil) lives in Rio do Sul SC. Graduate-Educational Orientation; Postgraduate – Psychomotor Education. At 11 (eleven), she became interested in drawing and painting, learned from Sister Ricca Bernardi, in 1966. In 1973 she returned to painting oil on canvas. 1978 began painting in porcelain, with Judith Ledra. From 1995, at the Cultural Foundation, Rio do Sul, porcelain and glass painting, with Miriam Fronza. Drawing and painting with Maria Salette Werling; texture and acrylic painting with Meg Tomio Roussenq. In the NEP, fabric painting with Renata Grünfeldt.
Professional performance: Ceramics Teacher – Cultural Foundation – Rio do Sul – SC Brazil
Extension courses in Plastic Arts
The research was always dedicated: Where did it come from? How is it done? Did courses: drawing with Carlos ASP; face with Luiz Carlos Vigarani; experimentation in Plastic Arts (SESC), watercolor -Rose Darius; spatulate- Tania Palpit; sculpture-Emanuel Nunes and Cerâmica-Cecília Ledra (Cultural Foundation – Rio do Sul). Workshops with Esther Batista, Daiara, Sayonara Ferreira, Sonia Rosa e Josi Ledra. Mosaic with Aurelio Machado.
Art History with: Elton Silveira, Fernando Lindote and Jairo Schmidt. Participated in the 3rd National Congress of Ceramics – Curitiba, Paraná. Workshop-preparation and formulation of glass enamel – Laura Rosana Beldessari – Missiones – Argentina. Assembly process – oven – enamel formulation – Raku burning technique with Jukio Isukada / DF. Workshop – Silvio Duarte da Silva – Rio do Sul SC in 2013 to 2018. Cycle of lectures on Brazilian art in the national and international scene (APEC University – Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic) 2016; Course / Workshop of photographic immersion in colonial architecture (APEC University – Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic), 2016; Extension Course in Plastic Arts (APEC University – Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic), 2016.
Participation in exhibitions / exhibitions: Sculpture-Bust of Baden Powel-2005 in the Group Scouts Mafeking- Rio do Sul-SC; Project Renascer- painting of telephone booths / carnival and junino panels / Mosaic panel- History of Rio do Sul- theme- The Indian- High José Thomé 2009. Collective exhibitions-Cultural Foundation, Miriam Fronza atelier and public places-Rio do Sul. SC. Projeto Pretexto Intervenção Urbana, 2010 with Charles Marloch – in 2012 with Alena Marmo, Pretexto Arte Contemporânea, exhibitions in Rio do Sul, Ibirama, Ituporanga and Taió SC. SESC Biennial – theme: Give Ball to the Art. And key to culture. XXI CIAB (International Circuit of Brazilian Art) – August 31 to October 3, 2016 Sofia (Bulgaria); Oslo (Norway) and Santo Domingo (Dominican Republic). Salon Art Shopping Carrousel Du Louvre / Paris -20 to 22 October 2017, work awarded with silver medal “Horse II”. 2017- Winner of the Nodgi Pellizzetti Prize for the promotion of culture, with the project “Art of Ceramics”, executed in 2018, in the Visual Arts category. Exhibition “Art & Motion … friends forever” – Curitiba PR Brazil-07 a February 18, 2018. Salon Index Dubai / 26th March 29th 2018 – work awarded with a gold medal “Horse I”. Galerie Cathedrale – Fribourg, Suisse – 07 to 12 July 2018, argent medal “ In Nature”. V Cultural Week of Brazil in Oslo. Embassy of Brazil – Oslo, Norway – September 10 to 14, 2018. Honorable Menthion “The clff”.Norway-Form Galhery- Bergen august 19a30,2018 Bronze Medal ‘Beautiful port´ Winner of the Nodgi Pellizzetti Prize for the promotion of culture, with the project “Take Art Home” – 2018, in the Visual Arts category.