Gladys Ometto – BRAZIL –

Gladys Ometto – BRAZIL –

Gladys Ometto , natural Brazilian from Sao Paulo , Osasco , professional arts option attended by Faculty of Business Administration UNIFIEO and Arts Faculty Armando Alves Penteado Sao Paulo


During nearly 30 years of professional life was devoted to professorship in Brazil and Germany , participating in auctions , as a judge of salons and lectures , was Director of the Museum Dimitri Sansaud Lavaud , Cultural Advisor of CIESP , Curator of UNIFIEO , President of the Academy Arts of Osasco , presenter of a TV Art Streetwise Gladys Ometto .

Cataloged in the Brazil and Julio Louzada Semadiras in Europe , has work with collectors in several states of Brazil and many other countries like USA , Japan , Switzerland , Portugal , India , China , Germany , Italy , Spain and others in this period he studied with various masters improving their knowledge .


Through studies of art to create a demand for modern, begins research on materials , finding informal abstraction and figurative art using mixed technique . Combining his art with your feelings not peocupa in essence to fit into a certain style . To this day continues studying and perfecting their work .

In his studio he formed a group of artist where research and the main objective of the workshop organized several exhibition

Participiou of various National and International Exhibitions Individual and Collective , has numerous awards in Brazil and International .

Author: artcomexpo

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