Gustavo Etelvino Martins, Coimbra – Portugal

Gustavo Etelvino Martins, Coimbra – Portugal

Artist- Gustavo Etelvino Martins-  Coimbra – Portugal

Born in Sertã in Castelo Branco district , in 1951 . With 2 years of age he moves to Lisbon. It is in the capital that he attends with distinction and enormous
interest , the course of Industrial Training in Graphic Arts . He had as teachers  some artists of national reputation , such as álvaro Perdigao , Solomon de Oliveira
and master Martins Correia .
Lives since 1972 in the city of Figueira da Foz . Encouraged by friends and family , he exhibited for the first time in 1996 in the Grand Cooperative Grain .
His work reflects the color and excitement of life , fantasy and dream of man . For Gustavo Martins Etelvino painting is a hobby that comes after a working day , the
real reason to show so little what he most  likes to do : create .
Some of the collective and individual exhibitions he participated :
High School of Alhadas ( Figueira da Foz ) , Atrium Gallery ( Vila Real) , Magenta ( Figueira da Foz ) , Bissaya Bareto Foundation ( Coimbra ) , Celbi Club ( Figueira
da Foz ) , House of Culture of Sertã , Cafe Brazil ( Figueira da Foz ) .
Several exhibitions organized for AAAGP – Galeria  da Arte  Galega  Portuguesa in 2014.
Member  of the Portuguese and Galician Art and Friendship Association                           
Several exhibitions organized for Artcom Expo Association International of Artists Casa do Paço, Figueira da Foz in 2014 .
Several exhibitions organized for Artcom Expo Association International of Artists and  AAAGP  – Museu Etenográfico do Mira,da Praia  do Mira Bronze  Medal  em 2014
Portugal in 2014.
Memberships: Artcom Expo International Association of Artists Norway.   /   face : Gustavo Martins   Figueira da Foz- Lisboa

Skype-  Gustavo  Martins –

Bailando nas Estrelas – 120×100 Acrylic on canvas-

Price: 400 Euros

COM UM PÁSSARO NA CABEÇA-50×70 Acrylic on canvas /
Price:400 Euros

MAR À VISTA – 50 x 70 Acrylic on canvas /
Price: 400 Euros

Mosca – 70 x 100 Acrylic on canvas / Price: 500 Euros

Camões / Acrylic on canvas / 50 x 70 / Price: 400 Euros

Pecadores – 120 x 100 / Acrylic on canvas/ Price 450 Euros

REPROVAÇÃO DA NUDEZ -50 x70 Acrylic on canvas /
Price: 400 Euros

Bicos 60 x 120 – Acrylic on canvas / Price:500 Euros

Sopro da Juventude / 50 x 70 Acrylic on canvas /
Price: 400 Euros

Title: O Mirtilo- Dimension – 50 x 70 – Price: 400 Euros

Author: artcomexpo

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