Jussara Stein, Brazil
Artist–Jussara Stein, Brazil
Maria Jussara Chibébe Stein, born in Tabapuã in 1953, has majored in Physical Education and graduated in Modern Dance at Escola Superior de Educação Física in São Carlos – SP in addition, she has specialized in Image and Sound through Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso do Sul.
She has taken several courses as Porcelain Painting; Oil Painting Techniques; Dry and Oil Pastel; Art Restoration; as well as workshops such as “The Creative Process” with Charles Watson; Printing Impression Process with Maria Perez Sola; Plastic Arts with Daniel Senise, Paulo Pasta, Monica Nador; Contemporary Art History with Maria Adélia Menegazzo; Dynamic Encounters-International Art Workshop; 22nd Visual Arts Week “Visual Arts and Image and Sound” as a round table member; “Wash” – handmade paper Process Course; “Moinho de Papel” Implementation – “Wash – Pestalozzi”; Further Education – Art Theory and Esthetics – Luiz Edegar Costa – UFMS.
The artist has been awarded first place on “A Tripa Cultural” at the 22nd Visual Arts Week and at Salão Flamboyant – Goiania – GO and has had individual exhibitions at Sala Mato Grosso; Giovanni Grunchi Studio in São Paulo – SP; also in collective exhibitions at José Otávio Guizzo Cultural Center; Campo Grande City Council; Mara Dolzan Curatorship; Collective Exhibition- Professor Luiz Edegar Costa Curatorship; “O Grupo” – A Mato Grosso do Sul Contemporary Proposal; Collective:MARCO – Contemporary Art Museum – “O Grupo”; Collective:MARCO – “Paper Artist’s Association”; Collective:MARCO – “O Grupo” – Paintings and Printings.
Currently, the artist can be found actively participating in a cultural congregation with artists from varied sectors and still performs individual and collective exhibitions.
2015 – Memberships: Artcom Expo International Association of Artists .