Ruth Jensen, Denmark

Ruth Jensen, Denmark

Artist: Ruth Jensen, Denmark
Painting is a personal description of the world.
The tension between what I see and experience is the fulcrum for my work.
I have been painting for several years, mostly oil- and acrylic. Latest I have focused on watercolour. I am fascinated of the reaction between water and the different pigments.

Grethe Bagge oil and watercolour
Jan Hartman oil
Mable Rose oil
Ulla Mørch acrylic
Ærø School of artacrylic
Anna Tørnkvist watercolour

Selected exhibitions:
2019 VK-exhibition, Holbæk DK, juried exhibition
2018 Art Association Humlen DK, separate exhibition
2017 Art Association Foyerén DK, separate exhibition
2016 Hvidovre.DK, juried exhibition
2015 Gallery Bustrup DK, separate exhibition
2014 Gallery Lippert Dk, separate exhibition
2013 Artcom Expo international.Rom, Italy – Gold Medal
2012 Albertslund Town Hall DK, separate exhibition
2010 Ballerup Art Association DK, separate exhibition
2009 Næstved Exhibition DK, juried exhibition
2009 Roskilde Open DK, juried exhibition
2008 FOA Copenhagen DK, separate exhibition
2007 IV Biennale ´illDe Nittis, Trani and Barletta, Italy
2007 Art and Spring, Aalborg DK, juried exhibition
2006 Estence Castle Ferrare, Italy
2005 Medtronic Copenhagen DK, separate exhibition
2004 Hvidovre.DK, juried exhibition
1999 Copenhagen County Art Association DK, separate exhibition


Ruth Jensen

Author: artcomexpo

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