Mario Zammit-Lewis, Malta

Mario Zammit-Lewis also known as Il Maltese in Piedmont in the 70s & 80s.
Born in Msida (Malta) 75 years ago of a Maltese father and an Italian mother, he moved to Piedmont in 63 from Paris working as a pencil portraitist.
He began painting in Colombe in the Benlieu of Paris where he won the First Prize for painting in the entire school he attended in 61/62.
At 16 in Turin he attended the Vittorio Veneto Art School, where he
as a Maestro Raffaele Pontecorvo. His first personal exhibition was held in 1970 and was followed by a second in 71, both in Turin. In the following years he received two nominations: in 1979 as an Academician of Italy with a Gold Medal, and in 1982 as a Master of Painting in Salsomaggiore Terme.
He then took part in several group exhibitions in various countries and, after a break, he started painting again in 2000 in Hong Kong and again in 2011 in the Philippines, until 2015 when he moved to Malta, where he currently resides in retirement as an oil painting artist. His works have been published in various trade magazines such as Il Narciso, Tuttarte, Arles, Il Centauro, Art Now, Art Leader & 80 – guide per l’investimento by Angelo Crespi, Artisti 22, Artisti 23 and Artisti 24, il CAM, L’Atlante dell’Arte Contemporanea, Ambasciatori d’Arte Volume 1, Biancosciro Rivistra d’Arte da un coppia d’anno ho più in tutti I numeri, ARTNow, Fondazione Effetto Arte…etc….etc…as well as in various newspapers in Italy and abroad, magazines and Italian & Maltese television programs. He has exhibited in video exhibitions and physically in Malta, Turin, San Giorio-Susa, Brera, Milan, Padua, Genoa, Ferrara, Lecce, Palermo, Rome, Florence, Venice, Bergamo, Spoleto, Cesenatico, Caltanisetta,
Barletta, Forli, Sanremo, Trieste, Mantua, Savona, Monte Carlo, Paris, Marseille, Perros Guirec, Luxembourg, London, Brussels, Berlin, Vienna, Barcelona, ​​Madrid, Budapest, Croatia, Albania, Hong Kong, China, Maiami, Washington, Los Angleles, New York.
Many of his works are found around the world and he has appeared in Italy on ODEON TV in their series “Storia di Artisti” with written commentary and narration by Dr. Leonarda Zappulla, and narrated by Vittorio Sgarbi
being one of the first 50 chosen for “I Narratori del Nostro Tempo”, he has appeared in the program MEANDER Artistic program and on NET TV in Malta and other television programs.
Last Personal Exhibition in Vilarbasse (TO) with the presentation of the book “UOMINI” by Teresa Fessia where the cover is one of her oil works entitled “Love is in the Air”, during the Personal Exhibition there will also be a fashion show with the presentation of the Artistic bags printed on the interchangeable flaps her works and exhibition in Perros Guirec – France second half of July. Preparations for exhibition in Asia scheduled for August, September.

I am watching you


The Family

At The Beach


Lembrando Alain Delon , ricordando Alain Delon, uma lembrança de Alain Delon.
“A.D. e seu gato” 30x42cm pintura a óleo sobre tela~2024.
Author: artcomexpo

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