May Hege Rygel, Oslo / Norway

May Hege Rygel, Oslo / Norway

Artist:May Hege Rygel, Oslo / Norway

Born in Oslo, Norway 1952 / Live in Oslo /
Watercolor painter / Member of Nordic Watercolour Society.
I have painted all my time.
Norwegian painter. Statement Watercolor is my medium. I adore it! The technics with
pigment and lots of water gives me the challenge I need to express what I think
and feel. Finding the essence of everything, big or small, is my agenda. I
like to express the changes in moods and atmospheres. Calm restlessness. Balance
and no balance. I like to bring the history of art, that I have picked up
through life, with me into the world of watercolor. Less


Study with the painter Leif Lundgren 1970
to 1980.
Several courses with nordic watercolor painters 2002 – up to today.


Workshop with Morten Paulsen (norwegian painter from Lillehammer) at Kunstnerhuset
in Svolvær, 26. November to 3. Desember 2017.


2017 NFUK´s summer exhibition – Stavern (jury) Norway
2016 Baltic Bridges 2016 : Challenges and directions, International Watercolor
Biennial (jury), Kaunas Picture Gallery in Litauen.
2016 3rd International Watercolor Biennial of Thessaloniki in Greece (invited)
2016 NFUK’s landsutstilling – Rådhusgalleriet in Oslo.
2015 3 minutes. Watercolor croquie. Kari Kolltveit and May Hege Rygel. Dalype
Gallery, Oslo, Norway
2015 Watercolor in Oslo, Rådhusgalleriet, Oslo, Norway
2015 Strømninger – akvarel fra 5. nordiske lande i Hillerød kunstforening, Denmark
2014 Watercolor International II, Thessaloniki, Greece
2013 Nordic Watercolor 2013 / The 16th ECWS Int. W. Ex., Løten, Norway

36x54cm 2017
Author: artcomexpo

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