Lucineia Mallmann, Paraguay
Artist: Lucineia Mallmann, Paraguay
Lucineia Mallmann, Paraguay. I’m 28 years old.
Student of the Basic School Education Degree, living in Naranjito (Progress Line) San Rafael del Paraná-Itapua/Paraguay.
My passion for art has been since a very young age, since a very young age.
I liked the drawing, my papa always had some drawings for me, until I was able to build a wooden table, the same thing I keep until today
with much love, I agree to sit on the floor in front of this table and then the first drawings appear.
Today, a part of that little girl who was sitting on the floor saw her reality converting.
Art turned into my world, where all the bad stuff disappears and that little girl turns into a woman who is complete with art.
With the new opportunities that have arisen my interest in learning and seeking more knowledge also increase, seeking.
To participate in courses and seminars to gather more knowledge every day.
Today I have been inspired by great painters of the antiquity who have been through difficult times without all the resources we have today,
have managed to leave their legacies, and it just makes me want to continue learning new techniques and about the history of art.
I want to graduate in my career as an educator to complement what I do, and also to reach a professional level both in my career and as an