Grethe Swahn, Norway

Practical Pedagogical education
Official courses in psychology, sociology and method learning
IFM Westerdal commercial design school
Liverpool Polytechnic of Fine Art
Art college in Trondheim
Einar Granum Art school, Oslo
Artistically achievements:
Member of LNM (Assosiation for national painters)and NBK (National union for artists)
1979 Norwegian annual autumn exhibition
1979 Norwegian cultural council exhibition at the MunchMuseum
Art adviser for RSU-Agder . Tonstad school, Sirdal council, Tvedestrand Library, Vennesla high school.
1978-1980 – The Young artists assosiation
1977-1978 – Period of study Berlin
2012-2014. Agder Artcenter committee .
Solo exhibitions:
2013 Aalesunds Artassociation, ÅlesundCity
2013 Arteriet Gallery, KritiansandCity
2013 Pakkhuset Gallery , Arendal
2012 Agder Artcenter, KristiansandCity
2012 Grimstad Artassociation, GrimstadCity
2011 The Schweigaardsgate Gallery 88, Oslo
2011 ”The Canal Exhibition””, Nome council /Telemark regional council
2010 Gallery Hindhede, Middelfart, Denmark
2010 ”Live art” in Museumsgarden, Tvedestrand
2010 Søgne Old Priest Residens, Kristiansand
2009 Presentation of Art work in the Chairman of the Regions office, Vest Agder Regional council
2009 Gallery Dreyer, Lillehammer
2008 Gallery The Blue Cube, Tvedestrand
2006 Arendal Art association
2007 Froland Verk Cultural center
2006 Loddesol gard, Arendal
2005 Gallery Pingvin Oslo
2004 Gallery Lista Fyr
2004 Gallery Z ,Lillehammer City
2003 Tvedestrand Art association
2001 Skuret Gallery, Oslo
1998 Gallery Dalype, Oslo
1996 Aurland Herradshus, Sogn og Fjordane Region
1995 Tvedestrand Art association
1980 Club 7, Oslo
Collective Exhibitions
2013 «The Art has a voice», Arendal association
2013 Arteriet , Kristiansand, group
2012 Galleri Fine Art, Aker Brygge , Oslo
2011 Gallery Vera, Drøbak,
2011 Open Arthall Oslo,
2011 Fevik Church. ”Skapt for å skape”,
2011 ”Purchased” Ulefoss Hovedgård,
2011 “ Something Yellow”. Sommerexhibiyion, Agder Artcenter.
2010 The Autumnexhibition CCvest, Oslo
2010 The Biennale of Drawings, Kristiansand
2010 Gallery His, Arendal (kommisjon)
2009 Agderbiennalen, Risør Art Association
2009 Galleri 9, Kristiansand
2010 The Artcentre in Kristiansand, Sommerexhibition
2009 NBK – Agder, Member exhibition
2009 Elverum Artgallery (kommisjon)
2008 The Scholarship exhibition, Oslo
2008 Oslo ART Fair
1981 Gallery T 25 (Oslo)
2008 Art in Mind, Denmark
2006 Asker Art association
2006 Hillestad Gallery
2006 Bla Kube (Tvedestrand)
2004 Nesodden Art Association
2003 Augusta Gallery(Kvinesdal)
2002 Hillestad Gallery
2000 Grimstad Art Association
1995 Grimstad Art Association
1982 Den Hvite Elefant (Oslo)
1980 Gallery T25, Oslo
1979 Norwegian annual autumn exhibition
1979 Norwegian cultural council exhibition at the MunchMuseum
Official purchased by:
2013 Østre Agder Fire Service, Arendal
2011 Nome council
2011 Holla Bank, Nome council
2010 Søgne Artassiciation
2008 Tvedestrand council,
2006 Selmer Skanska
1979 The Norwegian Cultural Selection
1980 AB Bates Advertisingfirm,
1989 Aurland Council
2013 The National exhibition grant
2010 The Canal stipendium, Nome Council
2010 The National exhibition grant
2009 Aust Agder RegionalCouncil Cultural Grant
1989 The National Districts Development Grant
2010 Kontrast Officefellowship A/S, Tvedestrand
1994 Aurland primaryschool
Artistical illustations:
Winelabels for Apotekergaarden Restaurant, Grimstad 2012. Poster for the Canal Musical Festival in Telemark 2011. 1979- 1990: Pax publishing house, Gyldendal publishing house, Norwegian Film, The Riks theatre, Idun Factory, Landbruksdata
Aurland Counsil, Recordcover: Jazz Police, Ingrid Mohr, Atle Pakusch Gundersen
Work practise:
2011 Land Art with DypvaagSchool. 2011 Artworkshop for schoolclasses Nome Council. 2010 – ”Ingen sommer uten terner” Artprosject for children in cooperation with the Cultural Coast Festival Week in Tvedestrand.
2010 – The cultural rugsack. Workshop in animation. Tvedestrand shool og Songe school.
2009 – Workshop in animaton, cut out tekhnic . Organizer : Kulturskolen Ost i Agder
2007,2008, 2009,2010 – Responsibel for the stageart for The Musical for 9 klasse Lyngmyr Youthschool.
2004,2007 – Landart. Workshop i. Organizer: The Cultural School in The East of Agder Region.
1998-2010 Administration responsibility and teaching for avd. Art , The Cultural school in Ost i Agder
Den Kulturelle Skolesekken for Tvedestrand school og Songe school 2006
Freelance teacher for . Lyngmyr Ungdomskole, Stromsbu Videregaende, Tvedestrand Skole 2000-2004
Subject in art, Tvedestrand Videregaende 2004
Painting courses for adults 2000-2005
Own firm for illustration and design (Dax Design, Aurland Kommune 1989-1994)
Ogilvy & Mather Advertisingfirm 1987
Askeladden Advertisingfirm 1986
Mc Cann Erickson 1985
AB Bates Advertisingfirm 1983