Tanara Renck, Brazil

Tanara Renck, Brazil

Artist – Tanara Renck, Brazil

 The artist Tanara Renck was born in the city of Taquara, in the state of Rio Grande do Sul, on January 24, 1974. She is also a teacher and a musician. He is formed by the Musical Conservatory Heitor Villa-Lobos, in 1994, located in his native city. He began the piano course at the age of 11 and later learned other instruments such as keyboard, guitar and saxophone. She began her activities as a piano instructor at the age of 16. In this period, she had as master in the visual arts the artist Elyan Herrera, in the Elyan Herrera Arts Studio also in her city. In 1996, he founded the School of Music Art & Talent, in the city of Sapiranga, RS, where he taught music and art courses. The Graduation in Licenciatura in Visual Arts, occurred in the year 2015, by IESF, Institute of Higher Education of FUNLEC, in Campo Grande, Mato Grosso do Sul, where it currently resides. He is a founding member of the Association of Professional Artists of Mato Grosso do Sul, known as Sociarista Confraria. He is a designer of archaeological pieces at the Museum of Archeology at UFMS. He works with various drawing techniques such as graphite, crayons, dry and oily pastel crayons, charcoal, watercolor, ink and acrylic on canvas, as well as sculpture experiments and other languages, but his technique is oil on canvas. His art suffers great influence from music, where he expresses his musicality through colors, shapes and movements, but his favorite theme is animals and human figure. His scholarly, hyperrealistic style is influenced by surrealism, but figurative abstract works also stand out. The artist acts as a teacher of music and arts in her atelier and also carries out social works such as drawing and painting projects for needy people and attends the municipal teaching network. He uses his art to raise awareness in defense and protection against mistreatment and abandonment of animals. His works have gained market both Brazil and abroad. Art Contest 2014 – Art Competition of the 9th Military Region 2014 – I Festival of Plastic Arts of Mato Grosso do Sul 2006 – 6th Gaucho Open Auditorium – 4th Place 2005 – VII Official Hall Painting the Rose 2005 – V Open Salon of the Gaucho Artist – Honorable Mention Individual Exposure 2016 – Symphonies, Fran’s Café, Campo Grande, MS 2015 – Ruptures, Far from the Eyes, Inside the Heart – Glass Gallery, Campo Grande, MS 2011 – Dreams, ESARTE, Ivatuba, PR Collective Exhibition 2017 – I LDS Arts Show of Campo Grande, MS 2017 – Commemorative Exhibition of International Women’s Day at OAB, MS 2017 – VII Exhibition of the Sociarist Confraternity – Municipal Public Library Anna Luíza Prado Bastos, SESC Horto Florestal, MS 2016 – VI Exhibition of the Sociarist Confraternity – Homage to the Poet Manoel de Barros, TV Educativa, MS 2016 – V Exhibition of the Confraternity Sociartista – Galeria de Vidro, MS 2016 – IV Exhibition of the Sociarist Confraternity – Casa Cor, MS 2016 – III Exhibition of the Confraternity Sociartista – Faculdade Estácio de Sá, MS 2016 – II Exhibition of the Sociarist Confraternity: Connections of the Art – Municipal Public Library Anna Luíza Prado Bastos, SESC Horto Florestal, MS 2016 – I Exhibition of the Sociarist Confraternity: Environment – TV Educativa, MS


Author: artcomexpo

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