Renato Donzelli Gomes, Italy

Renato Donzelli Gomes, Italy

Artist:Renato Donzelli Gomes -Italy
Artistic name Renato Donzelli. Brazilian, born in São Paulo, currently lives in Rome – Italy
Since childhood he received great encouragement from parents who saw his sensitivity in the expression of art. He improved his artistic gifts in the course of the times when he devoted himself to study painting and illustration.
Sensitive in life and art, he is a contemporary artist who seeks to express his techniques with the balance of the magic of colors and forms in his works.
Graduated in Social Communication and Marketing from Universidade Anhembi Morumbi, he pursued his career as Product Manager but never left the art as Product Designer, Illustrator and Painter.
His canvases participated in auctions of works of art in São Paulo and small cities around Sao Paulo, and also initially exhibited for sales in big decoration stores.
He worked on creating cards for many copyrights.
He worked in the creation of stained glass in a company where he had contact with renowned decorators and plastic artists.
He illustrated several comics for the biggest São Paulo newspapers such as Folha de São Paulo and Shopping News.
He was Art Director at a large public transportation company in São Paulo.
He worked as Graphic Producer in the Advertising and Publicity department of Editora Abril.
He lived in Florence and Milan where he was a trainee at Studio Epierre in the elaboration of entertainment magazines in the children’s segment. The studio worked for the publisher Mondadori.
At the end of his stage he returned to Brazil and worked in the children’s fashion segment for the Company Giovanna Baby for many years of great success in the creation.
He has worked in the creation and development of products for several companies.
He never abandoned art and began to paint and to make exhibitions in Brazil and Europe where he is currently in contact with art and artists.
Thoughts and phrases from Donzelli
– “My art must communicate to everyone without exception either by color or form”!
– “I’m not easily satisfied, I’m very demanding with myself and I always think I can do better than I already did.”
– “I like to multiply and not to simplify”!
-“I dedicate all my art to God, because I am only his instrument on Earth.”

Author: artcomexpo

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